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User rated ★(ugly feet)
2015-08-26 01:57:03 Someone send this to Bruthlyn and show him this is what a REAL She-Male looks like.
2015-09-28 23:12:16 Brucey might've done OK if he'd gotten started 20 or 30 years ago rather than waiting 'til 65. Actually he did; says he'd been on hormones five years and had natural B-cup breasts when he met Kris, but she sidelined his progress.
Q- How do you make a hormone? A- Don't pay her! [rimshot] |
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2015-09-28 23:13:19 HAHAHA!😀
User rated ★★(bad feet)
2017-10-11 01:07:18 BIB60 I recall reading in one of the tabloids back in late 1991 or early '92 that Bruce was transitioning. As a matter of fact, I recall showing the article to this male to female transsexual who lived in my apartment building. Years later he has all of this plastic surgery on his face that made him look odd. Then there was this announcement a few years ago that he was going to transition. Similarly, I recall reading in a tabloid back in late 1992 or early '93 that OJ Simpson was a wife beater and then a year or so later, his wife ended up getting murdered in such a way that it was obviously what you would call "personal". As soon as I heard Nicole Brown Simpson was killed and how she was killed, I knew exactly who killed her.
2017-10-11 01:11:15 In his Diane Sawyer interview, Bruce said his crossdressing and GD (Gender Dysphoria) began in his early childhood, and even as Olympic Champ Bruce Jenner giving motivational speeches, he would go back from the hotel banquet room to his hotel room in the same facility, crossdress and then roam around the halls in drag. He said when he met Kris, he had already been on hormones two or three years and and B-cup breasts. They struck a deal that he would stop transitioning, have breast reduction surgery and not crossdress in her presence (but Kim apparently caught him in the act once).
What I meant was, why didn't he stick with the program before if he knew he was that way, rather than interrupting it for marriage and family, and then why leave that at an advanced age to do what he did when he's probably too old to really 'enjoy' the change? Many people on this site have said they believe it is all just a big "publicity stunt." I do not; I think he was unhappy in the K-Klan, and thought this would make him happy, but I suspect he's finding it didn't. Sad for him. |
User rated ★★(bad feet)
2017-10-12 06:01:39 BIB60 They really think someone would have their penis sliced apart in order to get attention and some financial gain? When they're already famous and well off and too old to make use of the money? Anyone who seriously believes that must be pretty dumb. Do they also think global warming is an urban legend or something academics concocted so they could get some paltry grants? That's unbelievable.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Reported: Fake / Wrong Person
2017-09-04 03:09:38 2 beautiful ladies strolling along after lunching together 👍🏼
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2017-09-05 16:54:24 And don't they look so blissfully happy! Did they suck vinegar-laced lemons?!?!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2017-09-05 17:26:54 Candis always looks beautiful to me---regardless of expression
User rated ★(ugly feet)
2017-07-03 18:14:52 Are you sure?
2017-07-03 19:42:36 Not anymore...
2017-07-03 19:43:16 Got me!
2017-09-04 13:17:42 ¿just realize candis have a cayne? jajajaja
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2017-09-04 13:28:37 I am in LOVE
2017-07-03 18:52:20 Trans women are allowed here?
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
2017-07-03 18:53:18 Yes, they are. This is one of the most argued things on here...
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2017-07-03 19:29:09 Thankfully yes
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2016-10-15 06:38:39 Beautiful toes. I love her feet so much. Omg perfect woman
2017-07-03 15:48:33 LMAO, youre in for a rude awakening
2017-07-03 16:38:33 Or is he?
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2017-07-03 17:23:48 One of my first crushes as a teen
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2015-09-28 22:42:31 To say I worship this woman is the understatement of the year. OMG, is she luscious.
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
2016-02-18 21:09:07 Not the prettiest feet in the TS gallery, but one of, if not THE most attractive. She has beautiful features all around, and especially GORGEOUS legs!
2016-02-18 21:22:05 Slightly large hands, but otherwise very passable (even been replumbed, as I understand?) and absolutely beautiful hair.
Still hanging with or dating Caitlyn Jenner, or is that over now? |
2014-12-19 03:53:15 It's better'n lookin' at Oprah.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2014-12-19 04:49:29 I would marry her in a minute
2015-09-28 23:14:24 @Reesie- OPRAH???
Actually, might be worth it for the billion$. $tedman Graham $eem$ to think $o. |
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2015-12-09 15:00:15 Thanks BIB, I just threw up a little in my mouth....
2014-07-19 00:08:08 Boy feet.
Transgender Brendan McDaniel. |
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2014-12-19 01:42:08 hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot