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2022-07-26 16:11:04 She is a Goddess!
2023-06-26 19:50:00 No argument there, she's got to be the all time most beautiful woman's list.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2024-06-16 16:19:48 Yes! She is!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2019-04-20 06:32:58 Ageless beauty, just like her music. And those feet are quite meow.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2016-07-20 05:24:16 I'm am passionate to some of her songs since my childhood to this lovely jazz singer.
#sandyfeet |
2018-10-31 09:01:31 Jojo15,u mentioned jazz,i got a song 4 u 2 check out if u havent already..go 2 "youtube" & put n "she spoke 2 me" by prince..b sure 2 listen 2 the entire song..frkn genius...it doesn't sound like jazz @ 1st but give it a few minutes n2 the song..prince was a musical GENIUS!!!!!
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
2017-01-28 16:52:45 What a Timeless Beauty! I always wanted to know what her Feets looked like.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2018-04-02 16:40:13 I agree
User rated ★★(bad feet)
2016-01-30 20:53:14 This woman does not have beautiful feet. They are definitely below average aesthetically. Besides, i never thought she was anything to look at.
2016-12-13 10:47:51 Bro leave the drugs alone
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2016-12-13 11:15:35 Just say know!😀
2016-12-13 13:08:43 Know? What is it that you know?
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2015-04-03 06:51:45 Back during the period where she did entire shows barefoot...I had the tremendous fortune of sitting just 6 feet(heh heh) from the stage in a small venue--and I'm STILL recovering from the experience.
Her skin LITERALLY looked like a bowl of warm milk and honey--not a blemish to be found. |
2015-04-03 06:55:31 @Jules- My brotha from anotha foot lova! Are you by chance related to J Owen?
2015-04-03 07:22:14 @Kranzness: he not Jay Owen!
2015-04-03 09:06:04 Well, @Real... I sure do miss @Ramboner. I'm sure you've heard of him. He was one of my faves on the old walls. They say he climbed the wall and has been carrying on as he pleases. I wouldn't know. I don't think he cares too much for ole @Kranz.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
2014-02-26 01:58:26 Some nice moments in this lovely video.