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2021-03-22 00:32:20 It's from the booklet of her 1998 album "Bed." Image #591087 is from the same booklet.
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2020-03-13 00:48:40 I always found this image to be incredible. Takes a lot of self-confidence for a celeb to take a pic like this. 😀👣
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2020-11-25 13:22:50 From the Universal Heart-beat music video, seems to have been made with a color copy machine.
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2018-11-09 10:00:57 I do not blame you.
User rated ★★★(ok feet)
2018-11-09 11:08:54 Oh golly no
2018-03-06 09:22:15 I guess the guy that’s been taking all those pics of UFO’s and YETI’s is is adding that ever popular blur effect to other venues
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2017-09-29 19:44:37 Then there's this one.
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2017-10-01 14:19:13 The color Xerox video... with an arts and crafts style bungalow in the background if I'm not mistaken. I'm thinking this is the one that was shown on Beavis & Butt-Head.
The lyrics are probably opium for many here, and the opposite for most of the rest. Universal Heart-Beat, remember that one? Was also on Beavis and Butthead. |
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2017-10-01 23:39:13 Nope, Cthulhu, I don't remember Universal Heartbeat. I have to say, I was kind of AWOL in the 90s. I didn't watch much TV or listen to music or try to keep track of fads, hit songs, etc. I also didn't really read newspapers. I think I just found the news depressing and thought it was pointless to follow it. I thought, what's the point of devoting hours to this stuff when it's all gonna be moot in a few months, that it's all gonna be old news in a few months?
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2017-10-04 20:14:16 @nhornack
Excuse my late reply, boss has been breathing down my neck, lots to get done outside of work and quite honestly, I'm pretty dyslexic when it comes to reading. That's quite an interesting philosophy you had, seems I know others with similar philosophies. I grew up in the 90s, followed the musical/cultural zeitgeist of the period until it went downhill during the second half of the decade, but as many times as I was invited, never attended a rave. I'll get to your other replies when I get the chance, thanks! :) (y) I'll inbox you in a sec. |
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2017-10-04 22:26:41 Cthulhu No problem. As for everything I've written here, you don't have to reply to all of it in one shot. Just tackle one comment one day and then another comment on another day. And so on. In the meantime, I'll try to refrain from writing too much.
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2017-11-06 09:50:15 Cthulhu, I hope your boss isn't Kevin Spacey!
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2017-09-29 19:26:46 Cthulhu, things start getting interesting about 17 seconds into the clip.
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2017-10-01 13:17:47 Just as you described nhornack! Subliminal shot - 3 seconds. Evan Dando collaborating with Juliana Hatfield? About like when Nick Cave collaborated with PJ Harvey if you get my drift. ;)
This video totally sends shivers down my spine! The drummer is hot, who is she? Thanks again, this video is really affecting the pleasure cortex of my brain! OK, now I finish the video, and I have to notice that Evan Dando looks like the guy who played Jesus in that Mel Gibson movie... are those anti sematic caricatures sprinkled through parts of the video? In any case, it really helped to make me feel alive in the best way possible! |
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2017-10-01 19:47:55 Cthulhu I've also wondered if Evan Dando was as lucky as some have supposed. I have to speak euphemistically here. I was tempted to make a joke about Evan involving a reference to The Lemon Song but I was afraid it wouldn't make it past this website's censors. Nevermind.
As for the drummer, her name is Freda Love Smith. In her Blake Babies days she went by the stage name Freda Love because she had the misfortune to be named Freda Love Boner at birth. (Not to be confused with Mother Love Bone.) I swear, I'm not kidding about her real name. Look up Blake Babies on Wikipedia (not to be confused with Robert Blake's baby, which he had with Bonnie Lee Bakley) and you'll see that I'm telling you the truth about this name business. Or just do a little online digging on Google. Finally, as for anti-Semitic caricatures sprinkled throughout the video, I would say probably not. This video was released in 1991 and The Passion of The Christ wasn't released until 2004. Then again, there are these coincidences to consider: As you note, Evan Dando bears a resemblance to Jim Caviezel (not to be confused with Vin Diesel), who played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ. So perhaps, like Jesus, Evan Dando was able to see into the future and predict that one day a guy who resembled him named Jim Caviezel would be playing Jesus. And just a few years before this clip was released Martin Scorcese made The Last Temptation of Christ. And this song is titled Temptation Eyes. And you have Juliana Hatfield doing that thing with the dagger and her hand and Jesus had his hands pierced by nails. So, with all these coincidences you and I could probably write a book and have George Noory interview us on Coast To Coast AM. I don't know what any of these coincidences mean or prove but that doesn't seem to matter. If we just write the thing and then go on Coast To Coast AM and talk about these coincidences, plenty of George Noory's listeners will be more than happy to throw money at us. |
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2017-10-01 20:43:51 And yes, Cthulhu, I'd love to collaborate with Miss Hatfield. Do you know who else I'd love to work with, so to speak? Bilinda Butcher, of My Bloody Valentine. Have you ever seen her? She's mouthwatering. Unfortunately, there were almost no decent photos of her feet anywhere on the web when I last checked. I'll give it another try. Hopefully, I'll find something worth posting onto this site.
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2017-10-22 21:11:05 @nhornack
LoL, got ya! |
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2017-10-24 20:31:12 That was a response to the first paragraph. Onto the second paragraph...
"As for the drummer, her name is Freda Love Smith. In her Blake Babies days she went by the stage name Freda Love because she had the misfortune to be named Freda Love Boner at birth. (Not to be confused with Mother Love Bone.) I swear, I'm not kidding about her real name. Look up Blake Babies on Wikipedia (not to be confused with Robert Blake's baby, which he had with Bonnie Lee Bakley) and you'll see that I'm telling you the truth about this name business. Or just do a little online digging on Google." LOL! Dude, I love your sense of humor, among the wittiest people I've seen on this site! XD |
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2017-10-28 19:01:41 "
Finally, as for anti-Semitic caricatures sprinkled throughout the video, I would say probably not. This video was released in 1991 and The Passion of The Christ wasn't released until 2004. Then again, there are these coincidences to consider: As you note, Evan Dando bears a resemblance to Jim Caviezel (not to be confused with Vin Diesel), who played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ. So perhaps, like Jesus, Evan Dando was able to see into the future and predict that one day a guy who resembled him named Jim Caviezel would be playing Jesus. And just a few years before this clip was released Martin Scorcese made The Last Temptation of Christ. And this song is titled Temptation Eyes. And you have Juliana Hatfield doing that thing with the dagger and her hand and Jesus had his hands pierced by nails. So, with all these coincidences you and I could probably write a book and have George Noory interview us on Coast To Coast AM. I don't know what any of these coincidences mean or prove but that doesn't seem to matter. If we just write the thing and then go on Coast To Coast AM and talk about these coincidences, plenty of George Noory's listeners will be more than happy to throw money at us." Ha! Especially the conspiracy nuts LOL! Ya know, I bet all of these coincidences stem from the fact that a clandestine society secretly funded each project. :P |
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2017-10-28 19:16:12 Brilliantly written as always nhornack!
"And yes, Cthulhu, I'd love to collaborate with Miss Hatfield. Do you know who else I'd love to work with, so to speak? Bilinda Butcher, of My Bloody Valentine. Have you ever seen her?" Indeed I have! the heartbreakingly gorgeous lead singer of the influential Dublin based shoegaze band "My Bloody Valentine." I've searched for her multiple times in past years, along with many others, hoping to have pictures that I could upload here. Of course there are many here who would report them if I actually found something should the photos not show every tiny bit of detail. Those people are douchey AF if I may be so bold. |
2017-07-06 05:48:43 Especially towards the end.
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2017-09-29 19:19:02 Thanks, Cthulhu. I always loved the looks of this lass. Have you ever seen the video she made when she was with The Blake Babies for "Temptation Eyes"? It's a cover of a Grass Roots song that was a hit in the 1960s. It's got several shots of Juliana Hatfield's lovely feet. As a matter of fact, it shows her in a bikini. All I can say is "Wow!" I think you'll be very pleased with her upper body. God knows, I am! I'll post it for your viewing pleasure.
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2017-10-01 12:58:57 Thank you nhornack! I see you joined the month before I did! Watching now, very intriguing! In all her glory in photo 599608 which I always found titillating. From the 90's if I had to guess, early to mid for that video. That subliminal shot near the beginning where it looks like she is nude but is actually wearing a bikini with her arms over her top, very nice!
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2017-10-01 16:10:07 Also, I remember hearing it back in the day, possibly even seeing the video.
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2017-10-01 19:51:59 Cthulhu, I take it you're talking about the Blake Babies video for Temptation Eyes. That came out in 1991. You want to hear something unbelievably depressing? Last night, as I was looking over Juliana Hatfield's photos on Twitter or Instagram, I found a photo of her where she wrote in the caption that the photo was taken at a show she did at Gabe's Oasis in Iowa City, Iowa in 1992. I lived in Iowa City then and I pretty much lived at Gabe's Oasis for the first half of 1992! It was my favorite bar. There was a bar on the ground floor and bands would play on the second floor. If Juliana Hatfield played her show sometime between January 1st and July 30th of 1992, there's a very high likelihood that I was getting drunk on the first floor while she was playing just one floor above me. All I'd have to do is walk up a flight of steps and I could be right there in the very same room with her. As a matter of fact, I probably could have stood 3 feet away from her. The reason why none of this happened is that I didn't know who she was then.
To make a long story short, my existence was really precarious. I didn't have a permanent address or a place to store my possessions. I didn't have any relatives or close friends. I lived in little rented rooms and lived paycheck to paycheck. This was before the internet was available. So, since I could end up homeless if I were to lose my job, I didn't want to have a lot of possessions. So I didn't have a TV. I didn't have a stereo. I didn't collect albums. And I didn't buy music magazines like Spin or Rolling Stone. And, since I didn't have a TV, I didn't watch MTV. So, for all these reasons, I hadn't heard of Juliana Hatfield before she played that show in Iowa City. As a result, I missed a show I could have easily attended but didn't because I didn't know who she was then. Isn't that a bummer? |
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2017-10-11 20:26:11 It is... but I'm sure you could still hear from above. And being that close without realizing it is at least something. Was there a TV in the bar, did they play music? Just a thought.
Sounds like a very bohemian lifestyle... but I hear ya. You've got a great memory BTW! Found this: http://www.press-citizen.com/story/entertainment/go-iowa-city/2014/10/23/gabes-musical-oasis-years/17791687/ I will get to the others when I can, thanks for understanding! "It's a live music venue upstairs and a great place to hang out downstairs with a giant beer garden. Rock, Punk, Indie, Hip-Hop, EDM, Metal, Jam Bands, Bluegrass, Comedy, ... Good times, good times." |
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2017-10-12 21:03:52 Cthulhu That's the bar where my best friend in Iowa City smoked weed with Mike Watt, bass player for The Minutemen. They smoked in the outdoor area--the beer garden, as it was called. There was a TV in the bar. In fact, there were 2. They were behind the bar. They weren't large screen. But down on the ground floor, you couldn't hear music from upstairs or, if you could, it was very faint. Mostly what you'd hear would be the sounds of people talking and music from the jukebox and TV. It was a great bar. Good music on the jukebox. Nice lighting and decor. Cool people by and large. Cool bartenders. And only a few blocks from where I lived. And on certain nights you could get a beer for 25 cents. As you can imagine, the place was packed on those nights. And it's also the place where cool bands would play if they were on tour in the midwest--acts like Juliana Hatfield and people you'd typically hear on a college radio station.
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2017-10-01 14:28:41
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2017-10-01 19:44:18 Ah, yes! How could I forget those scenes showing her in the tanning bed? Note the guy in orange at 2:50. If I'm not mistaken, he's none other than Dean Fisher, who played bass in The Juliana Hatfield Three and went on to marry Tanya Donelly, another lovely New Englander who made frequent appearances on MTV in the early to mid nineties. Speaking of which, as you may know, Tanya Donelly used to play in a band with her step sister and best friend, Kristen Hersh (Throwing Muses), who I saw in a coffee shop in 1995.
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2017-10-09 00:23:15 She's really cute in the scenes where she's wearing the white mini-dress. There's just something really cute about the way she looks while she's making those little movements with her arms. I wish I could be 19 again and have her be 17 and we would be a couple who live forever and never age. I saw pictures of her on her Twitter or Instagram page that were taken when she was about 17. She was even cuter then than she was in these videos.