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her age shows a bit on this pic - and it made me look. For close to / beyond 50 in most of the recent pictures, she looks incredible. And her feet are wonderful as well and nicely enhanced by her excellent shoe game
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 06/2023
2023-12-14 16:29:55
love the side view on certain women
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 06/2015 ♛4
2023-09-28 06:35:17
Member since 11/2020 ♛3
2023-05-28 21:47:00
Tres iguales!! Dios mío too much!!
User rated ★★★(ok feet)
Member since 08/2013 ♛24
2022-04-27 00:42:14
love her arches and toes in these #ysl heels
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 08/2013 ♛24
2023-04-27 09:31:24
this justifies my rating imho
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 10/2012
2022-11-20 05:13:17
What is the name of the other woman on the right?
Member since 11/2022
2022-11-22 06:14:47
she's Viola Piekut
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Ye Olde Doc
Member since 08/2019 ♛89
2021-09-04 01:56:28
very pleasing woman to look at and admire -- Not just gravity defying arches ( I see that a lot in Polish, Ukrainian and Russian beauties) but also toes. Often great arches does not mean great toes (but here it happens). Great arches though almost always translates to great soles though
Member since 11/2020 ♛18
2021-09-04 02:28:44
"Often great arches does not mean great toes (but here it happens). Great arches though almost always translates to great soles though"
You sound overmedicated, doc. Malpractice, maybe?
Member since 11/2021
2022-04-27 14:22:03
lmfao what?
Member since 01/2021
2022-04-27 19:33:48
Fantastic name, that chick! :D I think I get what Doc is trying to say. I've seen a lot of eastern europe beauties that were really gorgeous women, but a whole bunch of them ruined their feet due to bad footwear. Heck, they rather want to look good than take care of their feet - which to me is a shame but that's life I guess :(
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 07/2021 ♛4
2022-04-27 09:17:31
Member since 07/2018 ♛1
2021-10-28 04:54:45
Member since 12/2020
2020-12-15 06:24:41
Member since 04/2020 ♛36
2020-05-20 05:46:40
Toe cleavage is always welcomed here. Beautiful legs, very pretty face.
Member since 09/2016 ♛38
2020-05-20 05:57:29
The pic is legit because of the arch. Toe cleavage is NFS